Table of Contents
Max browser automations

Max browser automations is how many browser profiles you want GBeast to to handle at the same time.
Each browser profile use from 50-100 Mo in RAM.
Max automations = 10
You have 100 active account.
When the application starts sending your campaigns, the max opened browser profiles (accounts) at any given time is 10 when an account finish sending the app will close the browser profile and open the next one.
The software rotates between all your accounts according to to their daily limits and delays.
It depends on your license: You can install the software on many machines or VPS/RDP windows servers.

Manage spintax

Create all your common and most used spintax in one place and call them easily when creating your campaign content.
Spintax will help you to create unique emails content to achieve a higher deliverability rate and avoid getting restricted by providers filters.
Click add new spintax, give it a name then enter all synonyms and values that you want to use.
Syntax: inside the campaign editor use #SpintaxName#, GBeast will randomly rotates between the given spintax values.
Gmail Accounts

Add Gmail or G-Suite accounts manually

Gmail account: enter your Gmail or G-Suite account.
Password: Your password account.
Recovery email: Enter your recovery email, GBeast will use it when Gmail asks for it.
Max daily send: The maximum number of emails to send using the account, the lower your max the higher account deliverability and inbox rates.
Delay in minutes: If this field is empty GBeast will calculate the delay automatically (Recommended) or enter your custom value.
Proxy: It’s recommended to use proxies to avoid getting flagged or restricted.
Active: Activate or deactivate sending from this account.
User-agent: Use the user agents provided to you when you purchase GBeast or use your user-agents.
Visible: When visible is checked you can visually see the account sending from GBeast browser, when unchecked the account send your campaigns in background mode.
Import accounts from CSV

Useful when you have many accounts and you want to import them in bulk.
Separator: |
Account Name | Account | Password | Max Daily | Delay in minutes | User-agent | Proxy | Active | Visible | Recovery Email
Delay in minutes: if blank GBeast will calculate the delay automatically.
If the proxy field is blank GBeast will use your IP address.
Active: 0 or 1.
Visible: 0 or 1.
Connect account

Select an account and click on Connect account, GBeast will automatically connect and create a unique profile folder for the selected account.
You can connect an account manually by clicking Open account and enter your account credentials.
Open account

Open account is useful to visit and browse an account content, reply to an email or write an email manually.
Email lists

Import email lists

Give your email list a name and optionally a description.
Format to import your CSV email lists:
Separator: |
Email | First Name | Last Name | First Line
To import a list without a specific field just leave it blank.
Example for a line without the last name: Email;First Name;; First Line

Campaign editor

Give a name to the campaign and optionally add a description.
Add the subject line and the email body content.
Editor syntax possibilities:
- {FirstName}: To call the email first name variable.
- {LastName}: To call the email name variable.
- {FirsrLine}: To call the email custom first line.
- #SpintaxName#: To call predefined spintax, created using the spintax tab.
- {Text 1|Text 2|Text 3…}: To create spintax directly inside the campaign editor, GBeast will rotate between all the values randomly.
Campaign email lists

Select the email lists created previously.
Campaign accounts

Select the Gmail and G-Suite accounts to end the campaign. Each account can be used in one or many campaigns.
The campaign will be saved in pause state.